Saturday, March 28, 2020



2001年底 我們開的那間奇怪的公司,因為太成功而倒閉了,卡好的人生就此產生劇烈的變化,一張看破一切的機票,飛到美國中部,只因為老黑和白毛就在哪裡,他去唸一個研究所,卡好唸MBA這件事本身就是超現實,卡好說我亂講,那是他人生第一次念書。中學那些在課堂上睡的覺,其實都沒關係的,人生總是可以力挽狂瀾的。其實也沒那麼順利,###############,不能講,又犯法了。





November 17, 2018

Cahow was so excited to take us to experience his life, the next is ##################, can not tell, because this is illegal, followed by ############# #### Can't tell either, it's immoral.

The weird company we ran at the end of 2001 had closed down because it was too successful, 
and Cahow changed his life drastically.
He bought a ticket that would change his life and flew to the central United States, just because OB and Maco were there.
 He paid to study a master’s degree in business.
The fact is that Cahow had studied MBA very hard. He has asked me to say so because it’s true. 
It doesn't matter if you sleep too much in classes in high school, life can always turn the tide. In fact, this was not so smooth for him - ##################, can't tell, it's illegal again.

(I must say that it’s only illegal from a Taiwanese point of view.)

In order to reverse his destiny, after graduation, he tried very hard to stay in the United States.
Sometimes the job opportunities were  in New York, three thousand kilometers away, so he took a suit with him and insisted on driving. Maco and Cahow were on the road for 24 hours. If Cahow felt tired, he would ask Maco to drive. If Maco felt tired, they would stop the car and sleep together. If Cahow woke up and complained, they would continue driving.  

Finally, Cahow settled in LA. Maco came here to develop his career  too, and Bart also came there. The Angel City made Cahow meet Elise, his wife, and also made him eventually become the vice president of the bank. His childhood dream to give loans with high interest came true, and it was also legal. 

Cahow was excited to show his life to us, ##################################.

Cahow corrected me - it’s not vice president , it’s senior vice president.




November 16, 2018
OB decided that he would not go with us on this trip to the United States, and this trip only happens once in 20 years. Owen couldn’t go either since he couldn’t convince his daughter. His biggest problem is that he can never convince anybody to do anything. Or he doesn’t want to. Actually, it is Disney’s character Elsa’s fault. She couldn’t help him to convince his daughter. "

Of course I am aware of the problems of these old friends. Hesitation is usually accompanied by regret, but for many years I have been a strong persuader and I have been persuading others throughout my life. In fact, I am a bit sick of that.

In my life, I grew up with the fortune dreams of men of the Republic of China. When I set off to the United States, I took the tasks assigned by the Republic of China boss to convince the rich  in LA to invest in our future unicorn entrepreneurship. 

I have much experience with investor briefings, anyway, either accompanied by drinking Red Bull before the meeting or drinking red wine, using super powers, making my eyes red and being passionate. In the end, I might ruin the wine, or the cheap red bull from a convenience store.

It ’s good for everyone to go, it ’s not bad not to go either. Owen  finally drove us to the airport. As long as it was within Taiwan, he could persuade his daughter to do that. I told his daughter that I wouldn’t meet Elsa anyway, so there is no need for her to regret.

But, in my mind, I still had strong motivation to persuade her.





出發之前,我必須感官全開,敏感度調最大,史大,給我來了一節1985年,Queen的Live Aid幾十萬人演唱會,那年我才十歲,聽都沒聽過,這一年我43歲,不明覺厲,不明白但是覺得很厲害,音樂高潮的時候,史大Fion跟著哼歌,包括最難的那一段歌劇唱法也是,不自覺得猛點頭,散發出的阿法波,連苦讀心理學的我都無法理解,大家都紅了眼眶。
November 15, 2018
On this trip, we are going to the United States to visit Cahow and Maco. The day before the departure,  Maco’s older sister, Fion, had asked me to go to her place to take something for Maco. I specifically told her not to let me bring a quilt again, everything else was fine.

We have been hearing stories about her since we were 15 years old, about Fion's legends and understanding of life.
 She lived in the United States and was close to Hollywood.
 The music she listened to influenced Maco. The movies she watched affected him too.
The bullwhip effect, and ultimately it all affected me.
Once, I went to Maco's place to have noodles. He handed me a napkin, then I wiped my mouth with it, and he yelled. The napkin had Arnold Schwarzenegger's signature. Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t sign his name in  Chinese, so it was really hard to recognize it.

In 2000, Fion and her boyfriend Dw moved back to Taipei to settle down, and often asked me to go to their place to repair computers.
 Every time I repaired them, I wanted to say "I'm a racer, but you always ask me to repair cars".
It’s just I didn’t expect that, every time I repair a car, it is an adventure. I like humans who are out of control. And DW is good at that . For children’s sake , I will skip the inappropriate parts that are not to be shared online, and go straight to music.  Because he is a well-known music producer, and because of all that follows this occupation, he has many strange stories, but I will not tell them all.

Before I left for the USA, I had to open my senses, adjust the sensitivity to be the highest possible - I was about to go on a magical trip. Dw  showed me a concert in 1985 with Queen ’s Live Aid, with hundreds of thousands of people. 
(That year, I was only ten years old , and I had no chance to comprehend it. I am 43 years old now ,and i still don’t understand it, but I know it’s a big deal.)
 When the music climaxed, Dw and Fion followed it with humming and moving their heads in the rhythm, including the most difficult part of the opera singing. 
I couldn’t understand it  in a scientific way , even if I had already understood the psychology.

Everyone is red-eyed there.





Before understanding the meaning of life,
 you are not eligible for unemployment when you are a middle-aged man, otherwise you will feel itchy.
The ego is either too big or too small - it increases and decreases periodically, and it’s very uncomfortable.

 After understanding the true meaning, 
I realised that you can borrow a couple of years from your retirement life.Then you can enjoy life. The things you don’t understand will become understandable, but unfortunately , the things you had understood will become unclear.

Bart said that at this critical time, he had to go north and have a drink with me.He knew a Japanese tavern.
 Owen does not always comfort people, but he will always be there.
No matter the situation.

Bart said I was just out of luck and the solution was to take a fucking trip to America.
We are lucky , we have the balls, we do things before thinking . We booked the flight in a matter of minutes. 
If we think too much in our age, we struggle.

After sending a message to our group, A-pe, a passionate gambler,  joined immediately. Owen and OB said that they would think about it seriously. I’ve known them my entire life - they plan and think, and after that they struggle anyway.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

