2001年底 我們開的那間奇怪的公司,因為太成功而倒閉了,卡好的人生就此產生劇烈的變化,一張看破一切的機票,飛到美國中部,只因為老黑和白毛就在哪裡,他去唸一個研究所,卡好唸MBA這件事本身就是超現實,卡好說我亂講,那是他人生第一次念書。中學那些在課堂上睡的覺,其實都沒關係的,人生總是可以力挽狂瀾的。其實也沒那麼順利,###############,不能講,又犯法了。
November 17, 2018
Cahow was so excited to take us to experience his life, the next is ##################, can not tell, because this is illegal, followed by ############# #### Can't tell either, it's immoral.
The weird company we ran at the end of 2001 had closed down because it was too successful,
and Cahow changed his life drastically.
He bought a ticket that would change his life and flew to the central United States, just because OB and Maco were there.
He paid to study a master’s degree in business.
The fact is that Cahow had studied MBA very hard. He has asked me to say so because it’s true.
It doesn't matter if you sleep too much in classes in high school, life can always turn the tide. In fact, this was not so smooth for him - ##################, can't tell, it's illegal again.
(I must say that it’s only illegal from a Taiwanese point of view.)
In order to reverse his destiny, after graduation, he tried very hard to stay in the United States.
Sometimes the job opportunities were in New York, three thousand kilometers away, so he took a suit with him and insisted on driving. Maco and Cahow were on the road for 24 hours. If Cahow felt tired, he would ask Maco to drive. If Maco felt tired, they would stop the car and sleep together. If Cahow woke up and complained, they would continue driving.
Finally, Cahow settled in LA. Maco came here to develop his career too, and Bart also came there. The Angel City made Cahow meet Elise, his wife, and also made him eventually become the vice president of the bank. His childhood dream to give loans with high interest came true, and it was also legal.
Cahow was excited to show his life to us, ##################################.
Cahow corrected me - it’s not vice president , it’s senior vice president.